Home Up Administrative Laboratory Lectures Recitation


Introduction to Engineering and Technology

Purpose of the course:

The course has a triple orientation shaping the sophistication on these topics  and helping the overall maturity.

 a) Point out the underlining physical principles of Electromagnetic Theory and potential applications.
 b) Give experience in solving problems using specific mathematical methods.
 c) Emphasize the sequence: Underlining Physical Principle - Mathematical Model of a Real Situation Case - Mathematical Method.

 d) Introduce the student to the analysis and synthesis processes

 e) Introduce the student to the use of current solution techniques and tools

 f) Introduce the tools in the team environment.

 g) Introduce the student in the laboratory environment.



The final grade (F.G.) for the Lecture is determined from the following:

  1. 12 short examinations (E1, E2,... E12) during the semester will be given,  counting 60% of the final grade (5% each).

  2. Classroom attendance and participation (AP), counting 5% of the final grade.

  3. A cumulative final examination (FE) will be given, counting 30% of the final grade.

  4. Homework (HW), counting 10% of the final grade.


 The total number of points will result in the following letter grade:

  F.G. = E1 + E12 + AP + HW + FE 


 96-100 -> A

 91-95 -> A

 87-90 -> B+

 84-86 -> B

 81-83 -> B-

 76-80 -> C+

 71-75 -> C

 61-70 -> D

 00-60 -> F


The final grade (F.G.) for the Laboratory is determined from the following:

  1. 12 Laboratory Report (LR1, LR2,... LR12) 2will be submitted during the semester,  counting 60% of the final grade (5% each).

  2. Engineering Journal (EJ), counting 20% of the final grade.

  3. A cumulative final Laboratory Examination (LE) will be given, counting 20% of the final grade.

  4. Attendance, team participation (AP), counting 20% of the final grade.


 The total number of points will result in the following letter grade:

  F.G. = LR1 + LR12 + EJ + LE + AP


 96-100 -> A

 91-95 -> A

 87-90 -> B+

 84-86 -> B

 81-83 -> B-

 76-80 -> C+

 71-75 -> C

 61-70 -> D

 00-60 -> F

·         3) A typical examination will consist of short answer questions, multiple choice questions, matching question with an answer, etc. and problems. The duration of a typical examination will be 30 minutes. No make up examination will be given; no late homework will be accepted.


Academic Integrity:

Academic Integrity Policy


Course Policies
  1. Two hours lecture per week. Go over the material before you come to class.

  2. Four hours study time per week, approximately.

  3. Homework will be assigned weekly. The principle purpose of the homework problems is to improve your problem solving skills. Engineers solve problems. Problem solving is an indispensable part of the preparation for examinations. Homework is due a week after its assignment. Unless specified, all parts of the homework assignments (HW) must be submitted printed and stapled as one package. Often there are multiple parts to a homework assignment. Hand written assignments will not be accepted.

  4. No late homework will be accepted.

  5. Attendance will be taken at every meeting.

  6. There will be three 1-hour examinations. The examinations will consist of short answer questions, multiple choice questions, problems, etc.

  7. The examinations will be based on the Lectures, on the Homework problems, and on the project.

  8. Only a scientific calculator approved by NCECS can be used during the examinations. (

  9. The lecture presentations will be available. Lecture presentations will be posted or emailed to the class on the course website.

  10. All kind of electronic communication devices are prohibited.

  11. All computer based assignments started in class must be saved to the student’s USB flash drive (jump drive). All computer based homework assignments must be saved to the USB flash drive and brought to every class.

  12. To receive full credit for class participation, students must attend all classes. If a student misses a class it will be the student’s responsibility to obtain the assignment.

  13. The project must be completed as a team. Although the project grade is a team grade, members of the team that do not contribute will receive a reduced project grade. 

  14. There will be three examinations and a final examination, based upon all classroom work, homework and contain questions only answerable by active team members. No makeup quizzes will be given (except the final).

  15. If a project team is not functioning it is the responsibility of the team members to resolve the issues. This is an important skill for the work place. If a resolution of team problems is not possible, the instructor must be informed of the problems before class. 

An Engineering Journal must be kept on an on-going basis. The value of the Engineering Journal is much greater than the 15% grading policy. A well-kept journal will also affect quizzes, final, project quality and team performance.



A typical homework will have multi-parts, multiple-choice, short answer questions, analysis, synthesis, study, etc. No late homework will be accepted.



A typical examination will have various parts for a predetermined period time of 50 minutes. No make up examination will be given.


Note to students with disabilities:

It is the policy to not discriminate against qualified students with documented disabilities.  If you have a disability-related need for modifications in this course, contact your instructor. 


Policy Statement on Academic Misconduct: 

All students are expected to demonstrate integrity in the completion of their coursework. Academic integrity means doing one's own work and giving proper credit to the work and ideas of others. It is the responsibility of each student to become familiar with what constitutes academic dishonesty and plagiarism and to avoid all forms of cheating and plagiarism. Students who engage in plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct will face academic and possibly disciplinary consequences. Academic sanctions can range from a reduced grade for the assignment to a failing grade for the course. From a disciplinary standpoint, an Academic Misconduct Report may be filed and a Faculty Hearing Board may impose sanctions such as probation, suspension or expulsion. 


For further information on academic misconduct and its consequences, please consult:


Policy on the use of Electronic Devices:

The operation of all electronic communication devices is prohibited in the classroom and the Laboratory.

Policy on the access of Internet Sites:

The access of any web site other than the one or ones specifically approved by the instructor during the classroom or laboratory periods is prohibited.


Policy on dressing in the Classroom:

Proper dressing is expected by all. Covering the heads with hats, hoods, etc. is prohibited.


Policy on food and drinks

in the Classroom and Laboratory:

Food and drinks in the laboratory are prohibited.