Home Up Administrative Lecture Recitation Laboratory


Analytical Schedule of the laboratory

1st week


Introduction of the instructional personnel and student body

Introduction to the laboratory space

Introduction to the laboratory / experimental study.

The laboratory apparatus.

The laboratory Rules.


Presentation of experimental data

Numerical calculations. Significant figures.

Statistical study of data

Organization of a report


Pre-laboratory work

Experimental verification

Further work





 Analytical formulation:






 Due Date:


 Additional Material:

Learn RF Spectrum Analysis Basics

Learn RF Power Measurement Basics

Learn RF Signal Source Basics


2nd week

Collection of data

Fitting data to curve

Scales (Lin-Lin, Lin-Log, Log-Log)

Error bars on data points

Computer programmes that fit data (2D Curve, 3D Curve, Sigma Plot)

Computer algebra systems (Mathematica, Matlab, Mathcad, etc.)

Automatic collection of data (LabView)



Experimental study and evaluation

Further work




 Analytical formulation:






 Due Date:


 Additional Material:


Graph Paper Printer is a software application


3rd week


Modeling of Electrical and Electronic Components


In the first laboratory experiment we shall model real components in terms of ideal components.


Find information on modeling a resistor, a capacitor an inductor, a transformer, a wire, a voltage source, a current source and how to measure their parameters.


 Analytical formulation:

 Include the appropriate analytical formulation of each one of the cases.



 Use a simulator to simulate the behavior of the components as function of frequency.


 Experimental investigation:

 Experimentally measure the behavior of the component as function of frequency.


 Report: (include but not limited)

 Prepare a report of your findings.






 Make your report as complete as possible. Somebody will raise the same question ten years from now. That person should be able to read your report and understand it.

 Due Date:

 17th September 2002


 Additional Material:


4th week


 Evaluation of a software package


You were hired recently by RF and Microwave Systems, a company which specializes in this field. In the today's word of computers, computer simulation is an important part of the design process. You as a young engineer have these skills, talent and knowledge. Your supervisor knows that there are many microwave packages available in the market but does not want to commit the company to any of them before it evaluates it.

Your task is to evaluate one of these packages available in the market.


You can download one or you can call the company to send you an evaluation copy.

You should read the manual, install the product, and run some examples.

Then describe the products capabilities and its fitness for RF Microwave project.

The limitations are more important from the capabilities.

Prepare a report of your findings.

A table, a graph, etc. make a presentation always better.


 Analytical formulation:

 Include pertinent theory if possible.


  Include simulation results.




Prepare a report of your findings.

 A table, a graph, etc. make a presentation always better.




 Due Date:


 Additional Material:


5th week



 Analytical formulation:






6th week



 Analytical formulation:






 Due Date:


 Additional Material:


7th week




 Analytical formulation:








 Due Date:



 Additional Material:

8th week

 Microwave simulators: PUFF and ADS




 Analytical formulation:




Install the PUFF simulator.

Study the manual that accompanies the package.



Do all the exercises (prepare a report for each exercise separately).


Due Date:

 19th November 2002


Additional Material:



9th week



 Analytical formulation:






 Due Date:


 Additional Material:


10th week



 Analytical formulation:






 Due Date:


 Additional Material:


11th week



 Analytical formulation:






 Due Date:


 Additional Material:


12th week



 Analytical formulation:






 Due Date:


 Additional Material:


13th week



 Analytical formulation:






 Due Date:


 Additional Material:


14th week



 Analytical formulation:






 Due Date:


 Additional Material:


15th week

Presentation of studies:




From the past to the present and to the future

Discussion on the course

Evaluation of the course

Evaluation of the instructor


16th week

 Final Examination